Eryn Woods / by E

Catch up with rock/pop singer Eryn Woods, listen to her latest single "Rule-Breaker" and look for much more to come soon.

What first got you interested in music? 

Eryn Woods: I started singing when I started talking.... To be honest, all the childhood memories that I have, have something to do with music. I always knew that I wanted to be a rockstar and no one could change my mind. So I started working with my producer while I was in high school..... But once I graduated I ran away from home and moved to ATL to be closer to my producer so we could grow my fan base and start the full process of becoming a rock/pop star!!!!

Do you remember the first song you wrote that you were happy with?

The first song that I wrote was called "Freeway" and I basically wanted to let people know that I was FREE...... Free to be myself, Free to live my life the way I want to live it, etc....

Which musicians have you been influenced by?

I have been influenced by many artists across all different genres, but my main inspirations are Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, and Gwen Stefani!

If you were to make a playlist for your fans, which three songs - from other artists - would you have to include?

"Starboy" by The Weeknd, "Perfect Illusion" by Lady Gaga, and "Ain't My Fault" by Zara Larsson

What words would you use to describe your sound to someone who had never heard your music?

Fun, pop, encouraging, and a little rock n roll!!

What were your inspirations behind your single "Rule-Breaker"?

In this world we are all confined by “rules” but the ones that have been successful have known to “break the rules”, meaning doing something non-traditional. And I have been living my young adult life breaking the rules by being who I am and not who everyone else wants me to be. So, this song was made to pay homage to all those who were BRAVE enough to defy the rules!

Do you have plans to release a new album or EP?

Myself and my producer, Arc Danger, have been working on a new project (which includes "Rule-Breaker") for over a year now…. And it's something that is very special to us because we decided to write and produce it on our own. We have some major hits to follow up "Rule-Breaker" and I can’t wait to share the best music that I believe I have ever done!

What do you hope listeners are able to take away from your music?

To have fun, love and respect yourself, and that it's OK to be different!

Is there anything you want to add?

Love yourself first and always be YOURSELF!! BREAK THE RULES!!! 

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