Skyler / by E

Catch up with teen pop singer-songwriter Skyler and catch the music video for her latest single, "I Just Wanna Dance", off her forthcoming album, set for release later this year.

What first got you interested in music?

I have always loved music from a very young age, in fact my parents tell me the only thing I would watch when I was a child was shows with music in them. When most of my friends were out at the mall or the movies, I would often be sitting in my bedroom writing lyrics and melodies. My apartment complex in LA looks over the whole city and Sunset and Hollywood Boulevards and I get a lot of my inspiration from people and places and everyday life.

Which musicians have you been influenced by?

I listen to all genres of music, but Beyoncé, Christina Aguilera, Blink-182, The 185 and All Time Low are just a few of the musicians/bands I love and have influenced me.

If you were to make a playlist to share with your fans, which three songs - from other artists - would you have to include?

“I Miss You” by Blink-182, “Somewhere in Neverland” by All Time Low, and “Check Yes Juliet” by We The Kings.

How would you describe your sound to someone who had never heard your music?

I like to say upbeat and something that everyone can relate to. My debut single "FIRE" featuring Snoop Dogg is an urban dance mix to which Snoop Dogg added his own lyrics and brought a great energy and feeling to the song. It was amazing to have him sing and write lyrics for my debut track, not many people are lucky enough to work with such a living legend as him, and he gave me some great tips on the industry while we were filming the music video for "FIRE". My follow up track "I Just Wanna Dance" is a really fun upbeat pop/dance song which is about having fun and just being yourself.

What were your inspirations for your single and the video for "I Just Wanna Dance"?

Basically I just wanted to get the message out that you don't need money or to look a certain way or be someone other than yourself to make people like you. The lyrics and video are about a sleepover with a bunch of friends just having fun being themselves, not having to be perfect or dressed up, but just eating pizza and enjoying each other’s company with good old fashioned pillow fights and movies. I also co-produced the video which was a great learning experience to see how it works behind the camera.

Can you tell us more about your upcoming album and what we can expect to hear on it?

I just finished recording 6 more original songs and two covers in the studio which are now in the production stage, so an album is definitely in the works! We don't have a title yet but the album will be a mixture of pop songs, a duet and a few love ballads and I am really excited to see and hear what people think. The album should be out toward the end of this year. I just recently opened at "Cinco 4" an amazing concert here in LA at the famous Avalon Hotel, where I performed with great acts such as The Janowskians and Sammy Wilk so a little behind but working hard to have it out soon.

What do you hope listeners are able to take away from your music?

I think songs remind people of where they are going, where they have been and a lot of emotions along the way. I hope people can relate to my music and remember that time of their life when they hear my songs. I just recorded a beautiful love ballad which is a duet and I think a lot of teenage boys and girls will relate to this song and know that they are not alone on this crazy teenage journey. I also want people to just be able to dance and have fun and go wild and let their hair down, which is what I hope my new track "I Just Wanna Dance" will make them want to do, just forget about peer pressure and just be themselves, at least for the night.

You were recently invited to LA's East Valley Animal Shelter, what was that experience like and what ignited your love of animal care?

Amazing, the people who work at this shelter, and all animal shelters, are simply wonderful, caring people who give up a large part of their life to help animals in need. The things these people see and have to deal with every day, cruelty and neglect, and animals being abandoned are heartbreaking, but they hide their emotions with a smile and a ton of passion and provide love and food and warmth a hopeful promise of a loving forever home. My love of animals started at a really young age, my mom actually manages an animal shelter and I volunteer all the time. Please, if you have a pet make sure he or she is spayed and neutered as too many animals are euthanized simply due to a lack of homes and remember your pet relies on you and loves you and is an important part of your family so treat them that way. If you are thinking about a new addition to your family please adopt and never buy an animal.

How can people find out more information on what you are up to in the future?

For more information on my music and upcoming album and possible tour dates, you can check out my website and other social media pages.

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