Stipulation / by E

      Gumshen's forthcoming album Progtronica will be released February 11th and the new tracks are just as catchy and easy to listen to as their earlier work. 
       This album takes the bands original sounds and glazes over those classic rhythms and guitar riffs with soft synths and modern beats, giving a fresh feel to the songs and supplying a fun melody and light rhythm to a track which could have otherwise been weighed down by lyrics "spilled the milk and it's crying time, turning twenty dollars into twenty dimes, lost the nerve and I must confess, less is more but more is less", making it easy to listen to. The repetition of "so glad you made it" and the soft chords help to lighten the mood of the song as well and make this track addictive. 
       Gumshen's forthcoming album is fantastic because those lyrics are just as articulate as always, it's easy to get pulled into the track, and the album gets better with each listen, so check out "Stipulation" below and get your copy of Progtronica in February. 
"Stipulation" Gumshen
- E